Cushing's syndrome in DOG

Cushing Syndrome (Hyperadrenocorticism)

Brain produced excess ACTH, lead to excess production of cortisol by adrenal cortex gland
 elevated cortisol concentrations.
 -Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH; Cushing disease) is the most common form of hyperadrenocorticism and accounts for 80%-85% of reported cases. 
-Adrenal-dependent hyperadrenocorticism occurs when a unilateral or bilateral adrenal tumor -secretes cortisol and accounts for 10%-15% of cases.
- Less common causes of hyperadrenocorticism include ectopic secretion of ACTH
excessive administration of steroid medication

DOG: middle-aged or older dogs. It can affect any breed, but is seen most frequently in Poodles, Dachshunds, Terriers, German Shepherd Dogs, Beagles, and Labrador Retrievers.

Treatment:Cushing's disease is a slowly progressive disease (over months to years) and treatment is life-long."
 Cushing's disease is a slowly progressive disease (over months to years) and treatment is life-long. The owner should be educated to know how to monitor for symptoms that indicate the disease is progressing and in need of treatment. Regular monitoring by a veterinarian is crucial to detect developing problems and should include blood pressure checks, urinalysis (for infections), and urine protein concentration.

CS: Polydipsia (drink more water) ,Polyphagia (eat more), Polyuria,
  1. Panting
  2. "Pot-bellied" appearance - muscles on the belly become weak plus a large liver can make the belly look big
  3. hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin), and infections are common. Hair loss is often seen and may be symmetrical. 
  4. Urinary tract infections 
Image result for dog cushing disease
Image result for dog cushing disease

Cushing's syndrome in DOG Cushing's syndrome in DOG Reviewed by Dream Investor on February 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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