Cushing Syndrome (Hyperadrenocorticism)
Brain produced excess ACTH, lead to excess production of cortisol by adrenal cortex gland
-Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism (PDH; Cushing disease) is the most common form of hyperadrenocorticism and accounts for 80%-85% of reported cases.
-Adrenal-dependent hyperadrenocorticism occurs when a unilateral or bilateral adrenal tumor -secretes cortisol and accounts for 10%-15% of cases.
- Less common causes of hyperadrenocorticism include ectopic secretion of ACTH
DOG: middle-aged or older dogs. It can affect any breed, but is seen most frequently in Poodles, Dachshunds, Terriers, German Shepherd Dogs, Beagles, and Labrador Retrievers.
Treatment: Cushing's disease is a slowly progressive disease (over months to years) and treatment is life-long ."
Cushing's disease is a slowly progressive disease (over months to years) and treatment is life-long . The owner should be educated to know how to monitor for symptoms that indicate the disease is progressing and in need of treatment. Regular monitoring by a veterinarian is crucial to detect developing problems and should include blood pressure checks, urinalysis (for infections), and urine protein concentration.
CS: Polydipsia (drink more water) , Polyphagia (eat more), Polyuria,
- Panting
- "
Pot-bellied " appearance - muscleson the belly become weak plus a large liver can make the belly lookbig hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin), and infections are common. Hair loss is often seen and may be symmetrical.- Urinary tract infections

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