Ovariohysterectomy OHE

Suspensory ligament rupture- allow retraction of ovary, distal ovarian pedicel through small abdominal incision
Ligament burried in abdominal visceral .SL dog digitally rupture with force, cause serious damage to soft tissue, vascular pedicle of ovary

DOG-prefer rupture SL at craniodorsal attachment to absominal wall, furthest from important vessels
Proper ligm significant strength, clamo with hemostatic forceps to stabalize, retract ovary and SL
CAT-little fat around mesoovarium, distinguish SL easily from tissue. SL disrupted sharply close to ovary
Proper ligm FRAGILE, retration of structure careful to avoid complete seperate ovary from oviduct, horn,
Image result for kidney ovary location SPAYING
Image result for ovary oviduct uterine horn
Image result for ovary oviduct uterine horn
Image result for ovary anatomy surgery dog\
Image result for round ligament of ovary
Ovariohysterectomy OHE Ovariohysterectomy OHE Reviewed by Dream Investor on February 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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