Cervical vertebrae 7

cervical of Daschund dog
Image result for cervical spine x ray dog
1st-atlas  2nd-axis (with odontoid process)
6th-large transverse process

Image result for vertebral column x ray

OSTEOSCLEROSIS- increase bone opacity without alteration of vertebrae size. New bone laid down on existing trabecular bone.
-frequent in vertebral endplates, assc with vertebrae disc degeneration
Image result for osteosclerosis vertebrae column
SPONDYLOSIS-degenerative, osteophyte form along ventral/lateral endplate margin, bridging INTERVERTEBRAL SPACE
- spinal condition resulting from degeneration of the intervertebral discs in the spine causing narrowing of the space occupied by the disc and the presence of bone spurs
-Progressive with age
F-bridging ventral,lateral new bone formation at end plate
-osseous fragment can disconnect from vertebrae
Image result for spondylosis
-occur secondary to foreign body, penetrating wound, paravertebral infection, haematogenous infec,
cs-stiffness, pain, reluctance to rise
Image result for spondylosis
Discospondylitis- infection of intervertebral disc occur 2 to infection
cs-spinal pain stiffness pyrexia,
F-widen intervertebral disc space, disc space collapse
-endplate destruction
Image result for discospondylitis in dogs
VERTEBRAL COLUMN VERTEBRAL COLUMN Reviewed by Dream Investor on February 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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