42 adult teeth, 28 baby teeth
6 incisor, 2 canine, 4 x2 premolar, 2x2  molar- upper maxilla
6 incisor, 2 canine, 4x2 premolar, 3x2 molar-lower mandible
TOTAL-42 teeth

4th Premolar- largest tooth- Carnassial tooth

puppy will begin to lose his first set of teeth when he is just three months old, most should be gone by the time your puppy is four months old. Adult canines begin to erupt during this time frame too
Image result for dog teeth anatomy

Image result for dog teeth anatomy

Dog Dental Anatomy

cat- 30 adult teeth, 26 baby teeth

has three premolars on each side of the upper jaw identified as second, third, and fourth; and two lower premolars on each side of the lower jaw, called third and fourth. 
Image result for cat teeth anatomy

Image result for cat teeth anatomy

Image result for cat teeth anatomy
DENTAL ANATOMY DENTAL ANATOMY Reviewed by Dream Investor on March 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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