nonfusion of the first and second segments of the sacrum. The lumbar spine subsequently appears to have six vertebrae or segments, not five.
- sixth lumbar vertebra is known as a transitional vertebra.
-sacrum appears to have only four segments instead of its designated five segments
-Lumbosacral transitional vertebrae consist of the process of the last lumbar vertebra fusing with the first sacral segment. [1

Lumbarization of sacral vertebra 1, seen as 6 vertebrae that do not connect to ribs.
- transverse process of the last lumbar vertebra (L5) fuses to the sacrum on one side or both, or to ilium
-usually bilateral but can be unilateral or incomplete (ipsilateral or contralateral rudimentary facets) as well
-L5-S1 intervertebral disc may be thin and narrow.

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